Launceston Planetarium Shows - Capcom Go! (May 2024)
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Fri 24 May 2024
As part of our program to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the first footsteps on the Moon, the Planetarium presents the show Capcom Go!
Apollo 11, in 1969, was the mission during which the first men walked on the Moon: Neil Armstrong and Edwin 'Buzz' Aldrin. The moonwalk took place on 21 July 1969 (Australian time).
The show describes how the United States space agency NASA began its human spaceflight program with the launch of the first American into space in the early 1960s. NASA gradually built up its expertise until it was ready to attempt the July 1969 lunar landing.
The show's title, Capcom Go!, relates to the person in the mission control centre who was given the title Capcom short for 'Capsule Communicator'. It was Capcom's role to be the only person speaking with the astronauts.
Adult $9.78
Child (up to 18 years of age) $7.66
When: Friday, 24 May 2024 | 01:30 PM - 02:15 PM
Where: Queen Victoria Museum, 2 Invermay Road, Invermay, 7248, Australia
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284480 - 2024-04-27 09:22:28